Canadian Champion Laureate Cold Play, bred by Kim Aston and Peter Culumovic, came out of a five year retirement in 2011 to attend ASSA in St Louis Missouri. Entered in the Open Blue class and handled by Becky Johnson, Player placed second in his class. A big thanks to Kim Aston for the great pictures she took of Player both from ringside, and outdoors.
Player stayed in the US with Becky to attend a few American shows. On May 20th, at the Greater Kansas City Shetland Sheepdog Specialty, Player was awarded a 4 point major (Winners Dog) for his first US points, tyhen took WD, BOW 2 days later for a second 4 point major! Thank you to judges Sulie Greendale-Paveza and Professor Douglas Taylor for these major wins. We are absolutely thrilled! Thank you also Becky - we hope he continues to shine for you!
On May 26, at the Greater Cincinnati Specialty, Player was awarded his third 4 point major under breeder jusge Jean Simmonds. What a team he and Becky make! These pictures are from his week at ASSA in April 2011. Thank you again Kim for the great photos.