Sunday, June 24, 2012

Champion Skyehaven Toscana (Islay), owned by Doreen Fleisher of Winnipeg, came for a photo session June 23rd. Islay is now 17 months old and as pretty as ever! Sired by AM GrCh Can Ch Grandgables The Frat Boy ROMC ex Can Ch Skyehaven Painted Lady, Islay was the second from this litter to finish her championship.

A head shot of Islay laughing at us!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mourning Dove on the Gate

I went out onto the deck to start the BBQ just before six this evening, and saw a pair of Mourning Doves sitting on the railing. By the time I ran and got the camera the male had of course flown away, but the female sat (with her back to me most of the time) and posed. Despite the poor lighting I was able to snap these two pictures.