The babies are now 17 days old. This is a fabulous litter with the three sables ( 2 girls, 1 boy) being very consistent in size and growth pattern. The sable merle girl is still the biggest, but oh! What a face she has! You can see her pretty clear pale sable colouring in this shot. The only merling evident is a patch on the off side of her ribcage. She appears to be white factored as she has white stifles like her Papa.
The sable male is still the smallest but is not too small, according to our previous litters. He has the most exquisite look to him, and such a nice blocky head and beautiful stop and underjaw.

The two sable girls are like twins as far as weight, growth and overall development are concerned. Sable girl #1 is pictured below....

Here is the sable merle girl, showing her beautiful blocky head and underjaw - what beautiful soft colouring she has!
These babies may all be trifactored, as Ellie is a trifactored sable merle - only time will tell!
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