Saturday, February 19, 2011

6 weeks old!

Here are the babies at 6 weeks of age, beginning with the sable male, below...

Followed by the sable merle girl...

Below is sable girl #2

And sable girl #1 (looks like I am trying to strangle her, doesn't it? But, she is just the wiggliest puppy in the batch!)

Sizes at 6 weeks are a good starting point for measuring growth patterns. The puppies ranged in size from 6-1/2" (sable male) to 7-1/4" (sable merle girl) with the two sable girls measuring at 7" apiece.

Can't wait for the weather to improve so we can have a first romp OUTDOORS!

1 comment:

Laureate said...

Their front legs seem well under their bodies...nice to see at this age. They look very promising; you must be pleased!